While loan business overall is down, the ability to quickly respond to a customer's behavior when they are shopping for a loan can be the difference between expanding a current relationship or potentially losing a customer.
By leveraging relatively easily accessible credit bureau insight, you can deliver highly relevant communications through multiple channels to generate a steady stream of qualified and ready-to-borrow households.
As the name implies, a loan behavioral trigger lead is created when a customer or prospect is applying for a new loan or is about to refinance an existing loan. Used extensively by the mortgage industry recently due to the large number of households seeking to refinance, triggers also point to households looking for an equity line of credit, new car or even a credit card.
These loan shopper lists are available on a daily, weekly (1-7 days old) or monthly basis (1-30 days old) and are very time sensitive since the candidate is actively seeking a loan or line of credit. As can be expected, using daily triggers is the most expensive due to both the cost of the list and the cost of daily processing/production, but these lists also produce the best results.
The lists can be customized, allowing a financial institution to select candidates based on filters such as credit score, amount of revolving debt, seasoning, LTV, monthly payment amounts, number of recent inquiries on file or any other criteria desired. Phone numbers can also be appended to the lists for an additional charge. History shows that those households with multiple recent inquiries are better prospects since they are considered 'active shoppers'.